Dry Ice Blasting Can Be A Good Way To Clean Your Commercial Space

Dry ice blasting is a method used to clean surfaces quickly and without harsh chemicals or a lot of scrubbing. A pressurized air stream of the dry ice is used to blast dirt, old paint, rust, mildew, mold, and other debris off of surfaces. This method of cleaning can be used in a lot of environments. However, it is commonly used in commercial and industrial spaces due to how efficiently it cleans large spaces, as well as different types of materials and equipment. This means entire areas can be cleaned without needing to switch equipment, solutions, etc. You can learn more about dry ice blasting here: 

All the debris gets removed

Since dry ice blasting does such a good job of cleaning off all types of debris, there can be quite a bit of it left to be disposed of after the dry ice blasting process. This debris will usually be blasted where it just falls to the ground. Once the blasting is finished, then this dirt and debris will be swept up and properly disposed of. 

Some benefits of dry ice blasting

There are a lot of advantages dry ice blasting offers because of the way it's done and the results it offers. Some of these include: 

  • No chemicals are used, making this process environmentally friendly
  • No water is used and this means no drying process takes place afterward
  • It can safely clean machines and equipment
  • It can be done much faster than other types of cleaning
  • It cleans surfaces without scratching, chipping, etching, or fading them
  • It can offer much better and more complete results than most other cleaning means
  • The setup and breakdown is done quickly
  • It is safe to use around electronics and electrical connections


When you need to have your commercial space cleaned, you should give some serious thought to dry ice blasting. If you have never seen it done before, then it is worth looking into. This method of cleaning can give you better results, with less risk to employees, materials, equipment, and anything else in the areas being cleaned. The whole process also takes less time than you may expect, and this means less downtime for your business, so you can get everyone back to work as quickly as possible. If you are trying to transition your company to a greener one, then this is another advantage of cleaning by way of dry ice blasting.
